Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale – Home Page
A few of the items at our 2024 auction
All items are generously donated by local, craftsmen and women, individuals and businesses.

Our Event Location
If you would like to join us at our event and experience the festival atmosphere, please visit us on JULY 12 (4pm to 8pm) and JULY 13 (7am to 3pm) at:
- 8076 OH-241, Millersburg, OH 44654
- ohiomccreliefsale.org
- 330-473-2253
We sent $480,000 to Mennonite Central Committee in 2023
After the 2023 Relief Sale, we closed our books the end of September. Based on the recommendation of our treasurer, we sent a check for a total of $480,000 to Mennonite Central Committee.
Who We Are
The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale is an annual benefit auction and festival event which raises funds for the work of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), the relief and development arm of the Mennonite church. We’re supported by over 100 churches: Amish, Apostolic, Brethren, Mennonite and Conservative Mennonites of Ohio and western Pennsylvania.
How Does The Relief Sale Work?
Auction items, such as handmade quilts, furniture, tools and gift cards are donated by local individuals and businesses. Our event is staffed exclusively by volunteers. Our event is now the second Saturday in July in Mount Hope, Ohio. You can bid either at the live auction or online through our secure site.
If anyone sees his brother in need and fails to help, what evidence is there of God's love...? – I John 3:17
Why do we work so hard? For more than 100 years, MCC has helped people in need, refugees, communities and aids in disaster relief. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, shares God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ by responding to basic human needs and working for peace
and justice.