This quilt of pieced and donated by Beth Ressler and quilted by Kidron Mennonite Church.
Beth Ressler was asked by the quilt committee of the Relief Sale to design a wall handing that symbolically represents MCC and it’s work. A circular shape represents the world with a center circle including a quilted cross symbolizing Christ, who is the foundation for MCC’s work. The spokes coming from the center stand for the many volunteers that support the work of MCC. The quilting design in the spokes represent the branches attached to the vine (John 15:1,2) which leads to the fruit of the Spirit. The appliqued dove with peace branch symbolizes the Holy Spirit’s work as well as the logo for MCC. Finally, the colors of the quilt are derived from the old children’s hymn which says, “Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red, Brown, Yellow, Black, and White, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”