On 27 Apr, 2020 By bethmiller

2020 Ohio Relief Sale will be Online Only
Due to the uncertainty COVID-19 has brought to our lives, the Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale Board has decided to hold an ONLINE AUCTION ONLY rather than a physical event and auction this year. Many auctions of all types have already been cancelled or at least postponed.
We feel it is very important to continue to support the work of Mennonite Central Committee, which has already taken a big financial hit from this pandemic.
Many of you have said things like “it’s my favorite weekend of the year” and “it’s the only place I get to see some of my old friends.” While we completely understand those sentiments, it just seems safer to not meet together as a group during the 2020 year.
New Dates for the 2020 Relief Sale: September 26 – October 3
To give our quilters, crafters and craftsmen additional time, we have moved back the dates of the event from our traditional First Weekend in August. Sewing circles have not been able to meet to prepare quilts and we have not been able to collect furniture and other items yet. Normally, this is well under way by May.
Our experience from the 2019 Online Auction will serve us well – many things are already in place to hold an online auction. We will have “Buy It Now” items available to buy from September 14 to 24, as well as the online auction from September 26 to October 3. Details are still being worked out and will be updated as information is available.
Even though we haven’t been able to physically attend church, remember that this would be a great time to collect coins around your house for My Coins Count! Head over to this My Coins Count link to the daily Giving Calendar for Water projects.
We are thankful that MCC provides relief and resources to people around the world who are going through the same pandemic we’re going through. However, the people that Mennonite Central Commitee is helping may not have the convenience of a warm, dry home, running water or electricity where they can shelter in place.
We look forward to another Relief Sale year, even with the changes. Please pray for guidance as we plan for a new normal. GOD IS GOOD!
Thank you for your support through the years, The Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale Board