At our recent Year-End Meeting, our Quilt Committee Chairperson, Susan Hofstetter, relayed the story of a 2017 buyer who purchased fifteen Ohio quilts to hang in United States embassies and consulates around the world.
Wishing to remain anonymous, the buyer works for the United States State Department and was inspired by the story of Mennonite Central Committee and how the organization works in community development around the world. Susan remarked that the buyer “works with foreign governments to build continuity when a new Presidential administration is installed.” The buyer remarked that she respected the work of Mennonite Central Committee and how it tied into her own work as a bridge-builder between people.
She displayed a photo of a 2017 Sale quilt, which now hangs in the Russian consulate. Seated in front of the quilt are former Secretary of State John Kerry and a senior journalist from Russia.