Large Donations: What would you like to buy at the Relief Sale?

Our Large Donations Coordinator, Paul Bontrager, is looking for suggestions for large donations. Before he asks for a donation worth $1,000 or more, he’d like to have at least one confirmed buyer for that item.
If you know you’re going to buy an item or service anyway, we’d love to have you buy it at the Relief Sale! You can feel good about supporting Mennonite Central Committee, (plus there’s no sales tax).A 15 Passenger Van has been requested and we are now working on collecting financial donations to purchase one for the auction. Details yet to come!
If you have interest in these examples, have suggestions or want to donate financially towards a large item, please call Paul Bontrager at 330-957-9925.
- Lawn Mowers (Ventrac, John Deere, we’re open to all suggestions)
- Snow Blowers
- John Deere Gator, Polaris Ranger or other ATVs
- Services, such as excavating, landscaping, paving, etc
- New Gutters
- Appliances such as Refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, clothes washer/dryer
- Tractors (antique, used or new)
- Outdoor buildings, such as potting sheds, greenhouses or equipment storage
- A quarter or side of freezer beef
- Vehicle oil changes for a year
Note: these items have NOT been donated. These are just suggestions.