Everyone who has met Bob Schloneger remembers him.
Bob has worn many hats over the years, from teacher and pastor to artist and extraordinary craftsman. But he’s always handled every task with the same easy smile, kind manner and gracious attitude that makes an impression on people.
The Lord led him to be a Mennonite pastor but with a love of teaching and a knack for working with his hands, Bob also spent time as an Industrial Arts Teacher. Over the years, he discovered the joy of turning green wood on a lathe. As he honed his craft, Bob taught hands-on classes at his Can Do Woodworking.
Now retired, he creates masterpieces of burled wood. The imperfections of the burled wood are the crowning glory of each piece. But until you actually see his work – the careful choice of wood, the perfectly round edges and even sides, and the silken sanding and finish – it’s quite difficult to describe the uniqueness of his pieces. Bob now displays his creations in Wooster’s well-known art gallery, Gallery in the Vault.
Over the years, Bob has donated various turned bowls to be auctioned at the Relief Sale. In honor of the 50th Anniversary, this year’s bowl is an Ash Burl Bowl, approximately 6 inches deep by 17 inches wide. The gnarls of the wood grain and the signature holes represent the imperfections and distresses of our lives.
Don’t miss this beautiful example of artistic woodworking skill.